A person who just found Poker Copilot sent me a very nice email. An excerpt:
I happened to stumble across your site earlier today, and the SECOND I saw your screenshots, I KNEW I that I HAD TO try your program. I LOVE IT. The entire interface, for the HUD AND the software itself is SO CLEAN AND ORGANIZED! It’s so simple to read and make sense of!
The next update will be huge. There are many small tweaks and additions. And languages. Here’s something I’m in the process of adding:
And…..cue the comments of people saying, “this is good, but we need even MORE statistics. More, more, more!” I hear you people, but remember, Poker Copilot is a one-person show with lots of user support and feature requests and bug fixes and work-arounds for poker room hand history problems and marketing and, and, and…
To a non-Russian speaker, it looks so exotic with the Cyrillic alphabet.
Handling Russian took a bit of rework. All Cyrillic letters have to be replaced in a strings file with a bunch of unreadable codes. Humans write this:
Java needs this:
Fortunately I could automate the process with a block of Java code to download the translations from Google Docs and run each translation through “native2ascii”, a Java tool that converts from the readable format to the unreadable format:
Thanks for the stellar effort so far. I’ve extracted a bunch of strings I missed the first time round and added them to the individual Google Docs spreadsheets that contain the translated strings.
There were some strong reactions to my post yesterday about a new colour chooser in Poker Copilot. So I’ve listened, and added access to the full colour picker if you need it:
That white downward-pointing arrow on the right-hand side opens the full colour picker.
BTW: if you can come up with a better set of colours that contrast well with each other and as text appear highly readable against the HUD background (black with 120/255 or 47% alpha transparency channel), please let me know.
I’ve had a few sales in Japan, but today I had my first sale to someone who entered their name and address in a Japanese script. I’m somewhat surprised that this was possible. It seems my third-party payment processor, FastSpring, can handle this and my automated license key generator can handle this. This was especially surprising as my first Cyrillic sale required me to do some recoding.
It makes me even more satisfied that I outsourced payment processing to FastSpring from day one. If I had coded a payment processor module myself, it would require way too much work in design, development, testing, and maintenance to make it handle various scripts. I’m also happy with FastSpring’s fraud detection. E-commerce fraud is a major headache for anyone who primarily sells their wares or services online. With FastSpring It is very rare that I have a fraudulent sale. In the last 2 years or so that I’ve been selling Poker Copilot, only four fraudulent sales have got ”past the keeper”.
Loyal Poker Copilot customer Moritz pointed out that I broke my own “not too much choice” rule with the colour chooser in the Poker Copilot HUD preferences screen:
That’s the default colour chooser offered by Java and it is pretty nasty.
The next update will have a much better colour chooser that takes into account what you are using the colours for – the Poker Copilot HUD. Each colour is hand-picked for strong brightness and variety:
Over on the Poker Copilot Translation Project page, you can download a special build of Poker Copilot that includes the coming improvements, such as M-Ratio, recently seen opponent cards in the HUD popup panel, taking into account Winamax preferred seat, and – most importantly – the new language packs.
The trial build includes a full German translation, Dutch translation, and Italian translation. These are all ready for review. French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hungarian are all partly done and coming along well. Many thanks again to all who are helping with this.
I gave the German translation (Thanks Christian!) a test drive this morning and discovered that I overlooked some parts of Poker Copilot when setting it up for translation. So at the moment, even with the full translations, there are few places where English rears its ugly head. Somebody told me that this was going to be an iterative process – and he was right!
You can set a preferred seat in Winamax. The options are top, right, bottom, or left. Currently if you set one of these, Poker Copilot will put the HUD panels on incorrect players. The next update fixes this.
And now the unfortunate complication: I haven’t found a way for Poker Copilot to automatically determine your preferred seat from the Winamax settings. The Winamax settings seem to be in a binary format, whereas the other Mac poker rooms use easy-to-read text format. So you’ll need to manually tell Poker Copilot what your Winamax preferred seat is. You can do this in the Poker Copilot preferences.