PokerZebra is similar to Poker Stove, a popular, free poker odds calculator for Windows.
Like PokerStove, PokerZebra handles preflop, flop, turn, and river calculations, it handles up to 10 players, and it lets you calculate odds against a random hand, a specific hand, or a range of hands.
We received a nice support ticket today. After describing a problem, the customer ended with this great note:
I am very very happy with Poker Copilot. Your database is very very quick, imports are a breeze, the HUD works flawless, your software is the only one versus Poker Tracker and Xeester that can manage duplicates the best, and creates no mistakes during imports.
Poker Copilot finds and auto adds history folders by itself, imports, but without creating a mess in the database. The other trackers I tested could even hardly compete.
The use of the software is the easiest ever, the structure you have chosen is without comparison.
It’s not all praise:
The HUD could have a little update, as well as the replayer, all other software is slightly better in this regard.
We’re asking for his feedback on what’s missing from our HUD and replayer that our competitors have.