Apple has made the upcoming OS X 10.11 update (El Capitan) available for developers. Does Poker Copilot run on El Capitan? Yes, but with a couple of glitches.
I managed to play a Winamax session on OS X El Capitan with Poker Copilot’s HUD. Things seemed normal and smooth. But Poker Copilot’s main window has a couple of glitches. I’ve investigated and found that these are problems with Java on El Capitan, upon which Poker Copilot is built. We’ll stay alert to this issue, but ultimately, we’ll rely on Apple and/or Oracle (who make Java) to have a fix ready before El Capitan is released.
In summary: you can already use Poker Copilot on OS X El Capitan.
The next Poker Copilot update will have a tiny addition, but one that will be extremely useful to anyone who wants to take a hand from Poker Copilot and put it into another program.
You can instantly copy any hand’s raw hand history text into your computer’s clipboard, exactly as it is in the hand history file.
Notice the presence of a global keyboard shortcut.
Poker Copilot users sometimes ask for a way to measure their current session: hands played, time played, amount won, and amount won/hour. We’ve offered an option to show this in the menu bar, which has worked for many people. But it is also limited, as we can only show the smallest information.
We’ve been working on a new “Session Overview”. Here’s what it looks like currently:
An experimental version of this will be in the next Poker Copilot update. Your feedback is welcome. Send suggestions for this feature to