Poker Copilot 4.13 Now Available

Poker Copilot 4.13 is now available to download.

What’s changed

  • Support for PartyPoker’s new preferred seat setting.
  • Experimental Omaha support.

About Omaha support:

  • Currently working for Omaha High in PokerStars.
  • Activate Omaha support in Poker Copilot’s preferences.
  • This is free for all existing customers until December 1st, 2013. After that you’ll need to purchase an Omaha add-on license. More information will be available soon about this.
  • To add Omaha hands from the past, use “File” -> “Reload Hand Histories”.

(And if you don’t own it yet, click here to buy Poker Copilot, securely and instantly.)

Poker Copilot is "Mavericks"-Ready

If you are wondering what “Mavericks”-ready means, you might be thinking “Poker Copilot will work withTop Gun”. Actually there is going to be a brand new OS X version released very soon. It is OS X 10.9 and its nickname is Mavericks.


We’ve been working in the Poker Copilot laboratory with the Mavericks developer previews for some months. Poker Copilot is ready to work with Mavericks. With tested and changed things so that you can boldly update to Mavericks and not be concerned that your HUD will have problems.


Poker Copilot’s Omaha Support ready for preview

I’ve prepared an unofficial, not-scheduled-for-full-release update of Poker Copilot that adds Omaha support. It goes by the name version number 4.12 and you can download it here.

Things to note:

  • You need to turn on Omaha support by going to Poker Copilot’s Preferences -> General -> Enable Omaha support and making sure it is checked.
  • Omaha support only currently works with PokerStars.
  • Omaha High is supported; Omaha Hi-Lo is not supported yet.
  • You can use Omaha in Poker Copilot for free until the end of November. After that you’ll need to make a purchase to continue to have Omaha support.

Omaha Copilot One Step Closer

Omaha support will soon be available in Poker Copilot. I’ve now added Omaha support to the all-in equity calculator.

I’m doing some more testing and tweaking, but besides that, Omaha support for PokerStars hands is done.

Within a few days you’ll be able to get an early-access version of Poker Copilot with Omaha support.

Removing the "Day" Summary

The next update of Poker Copilot will no longer have the “Day” Summary. The reason for this, as pointed out by long-time Poker Copilot user Jean-Paul, is that the new “Hands by Date” and “Tournaments by Date” Summaries show the same data but with more options, more power, and a corresponding chart.

In the spirit of “keep things as clean, clear, and simple as possible,” I’ve removed the obsolete summary.

Omaha Copilot on the Way

I completed an Omaha hand evaluator today. This is a crucial part for adding Omaha support to Poker Copilot. In coming weeks it will ready for you to try out.

The Squeeze Bet Explained

Poker Copilot 4 introduced a new “squeeze bet” statistic. Brad Lampman explains the squeeze bet in this article.


What is a Squeeze Bet?


A squeeze bet occurs when you re-raise pre-flop when another player has already called the raise. You are “squeezing” the calling player out of the hand.

There are two basic reasons why we use a squeeze bet in poker. I will go into detail about them both and why the squeeze bet is an effective tool in today’s games. 

Reason One


We have a premium hand. This is a pretty simple concept. A player open-raises and another calls behind him. We show up with a hand like KK.




Let’s talk sizing briefly. The standard is to raise an extra 3BBs for every call. So if we 3bet a standard 3x sizing of a 3x open (9BBs), with a squeeze bet with one caller we would raise 12BBs. with two callers 15BBs, etc…


Out of position, we have the option of going a little bigger, by maybe one or two BBs. Raising bigger out of position is standard for the sake of representing strength to make up for our lack of positional advantage.

Reason Two


The other reason we squeeze bet is to take down the pot pre-flop with a hand that does not do as well against the villain’s ranges or as a pure bluff. For example, we can squeeze a hand that doesn’t play that well out of position, such as AQ, which will help define our opening villain’s range, thus making it easier to play him out of position. On the other hand, we can squeeze a much weaker hand such as 8T suited as a bluff, so when we get called, we can get away from it easily when we flop weak, or potentially when a big hand when we flop a monster.





Although I am not looking to get it in pre-flop in the above example with AQ offsuit, I am still far ahead of the villains’ opening and calling ranges from the button and small blind respectively. The small blinds call can essentially be considered dead money, especially if he is a fish, due to how wide his range will be here. Having position on him makes this a much stronger player as well.

This leads us to another reason for squeeze betting. When the caller in the hand is a fish, we can squeeze wider for value. If we know the opener is a regular that will be folding a lot to our raise, we can effectively squeeze a range of hands that is weighted towards value versus the range of the fish. We expect him to call more often, and with a wider range of hands, so squeeze betting is a good way of pushing out the regulars and getting heads up in a pot with a weak opponent.


The next two pictures demonstrate using a squeeze bet in this way. We isolate the fish and win a decent sized pot at showdown. Had we just called, we would have likely been pushed out of the hand on the flop, possibly even by worse hands by the regular.



The Donk Bet Explained

Poker Copilot 4 introduced a new “donk bet” statistic. Guest blogger Brad Lampman explains the donk bet in this article.

What is a Donk Bet?

To make a donk bet, two key things are required. You must be the caller pre-flop or on the previous street, and you must be out of position. The name comes from the fact that fish (or “donks”) tend to donk bet (hence “donk”) often. They will call a hand pre-flop, and if they like the flop, will simply bet instead of checking to the pre-flop raiser. This is generally poor play and tends to tilt regulars who miss their chance to c-bet and take down the pot.

Fortunately for us, we can use the concept of donk betting to create new lines, improving our table image and causing us to be harder to play against post-flop.

 Reasons we Donk Bet

  • We want to take the betting lead from a weak opponent who is more likely to call than bet when we flop a big hand
  • We are multi-way with a strong hand and it is likely to get checked through due to initial raiser having a wide range
  • We have a hand that we aren’t happy check/calling or check/raising with against the original raiser in multi-way pot

As a standard, I generally don’t donk bet into an opponent heads up. The only time it is very necessary is against fish when we’re strong, or against regulars when we want to look the opposite of our hand strength. The latter is hard to pull off profitably, so the addition of the “fold to donk bet” stat is required, and must be a large sample to be accurate (5,000+ hands on villain to be sure).

The best concept I have learned on donk betting came from a video on this exact topic by ViniVici9586. It can be found in his video library on LeggoPoker.

The concept he explains in great detail, and with a lot of examples, is that we want to donk a wider range of hands multi-way when the original raiser has a wider range and is more likely to check behind. We can do this with hands that are either A) is strong, or B) has equity on later streets, or C) ahead of the range of the fish in the hand.

This makes it easy to create a donking range, and will also help gain value from the weaker players. We can donk hands like sets, top pair type hands, and an assortment of draws. Since we will be calling more out of position when fish enter the pot behind the original raiser, we can effectively build our range around this wide variety of hands.

The goal of this is to isolate the fish from the regular, as well as give us an opportunity for three full streets of value against the weaker opponent.


In this hand, I flop top set on a monotone board. Since there it is likely to get checked through, and there are a bunch of bad turn cards, I decide to take the betting lead with what is likely the best hand. The fish called, the original raiser raised, I went all in, the fish called behind (with the nut flush draw) and regular folded. I held!


Here we flop TP2K with the 2nd nut flush draw. The original raiser is likely to check back a ton of hands, so I bet to isolate the fish. he folds and I am able to triple barrel for value against the fish (he folded river).

We can also donk bet when we likely have the best hand, but one that can also easily lose showdown value on future streets. Bet when you’re ahead, makes sense right? Here’s an example:


Here we have TP2K after a regular opened UTG, followed by a fish who called out of the small blind. We have position on the fish. By betting, the regular now has to float with overcards to gain any equity. If we check, he may turn an ace or queen, or even a draw. Theoretically, seeing a turn card will almost always diminish our hand’s value in one way or another. By betting we can isolate the fish and give ourself a chance to win a pot with a non-standard hand. In this case, the regular folded, and the fish called. I barrelled the ace turn, and he called again. We checked back the river for showdown value and I won a decent pot against 78 suited!

Hopefully this gives some insight into the concept of donking. The myth that you need to donk a percentage of the time against regulars to be tricky is misleading, and can easily be -EV for a lot of players who do not understand what they are doing in reality. We want to effectively use donk betting when give the reason that it will be more +EV than the other options given to us.

After last Poker Copilot update, HUD showing 0 hands played?

Yesterday we released Poker Copilot version 4.09, which made some database modifications in preparation for Omaha support. It may be that subsequently Poker Copilot was showing some of your regular villains as having played 0 hands.

If this happened to you, then you can fix it by selecting from Poker Copilot’s menu, “Tools” -> “Recalculate Statistics”.

I think some historical hands were inadvertently marked as being “Limit Hold’em” in Poker Copilot’s database, when they were actually “No Limit Hold’em”. Recalculating the statistics fixes this.

Sorry for any inconvenience.