The legality of playing online poker in the United States is a matter of much discussion at the moment. Legislation has made simply logging onto your favorite poker site, making a deposit, playing, and withdrawing your funds a thing of the past.
By now, most online poker players know about the benefits of using a head-up display (HUD) like Poker Copilot to get a read on your opponents.
The information that a HUD displays for each of the players sitting at the table with you is invaluable when you’re deciding how to approach a particular hand. Knowing exactly how loose, tight, passive, or aggressive your opponent is can be an enormous benefit for a serious online player.
Welcome to Poker Copilot’s Essential Strategy series, where we take a look at tactics, techniques, and concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to become a winning poker player.
Today’s post is about one of the trickiest situations novice players can get themselves into – the straight draw. Continue reading →
Welcome to Poker Copilot’s Essential Strategy series, where we take a look at tactics, techniques, and concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to become a winning poker player.
Today’s post is about basing your decisions on what you estimate your opponent’s hand range to be.
While interacting with fellow players in discussion forums, watching a training video presented by a seasoned pro, or reading a blog on your favorite poker site are all excellent ways of improving your game, there will be times when even the most digitally integrated of us want to step away from the laptop for our poker fix.
Fortunately, there is a wealth of terrific poker material available in long-form, with some of the game’s most revered analysts having published books in traditional and electronic form. Continue reading →
Welcome to Poker Copilot’s Essential Strategy series, where we take a look at tactics, techniques, and concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to become a winning poker player.
Today’s post is about the preflop reraise, also referred to as the three-bet. Continue reading →
Welcome to Poker Copilot’s Essential Strategy series, where we take a look at tactics, techniques, and concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to become a winning poker player.
Today’s post is about the continuation bet (also referred to as the c-bet). Continue reading →
Welcome to Poker Copilot’s Essential Strategy series, where we take a look at tactics, techniques, and concepts you’ll need to understand if you want to become a winning poker player.
Today’s post is about push/fold strategy – an approach that is crucial to understand and apply if you want to be successful at tournament poker. Continue reading →