Full Tilt Poker update breaks Poker Copilot tournament summaries

Many Poker Copilot users wrote to me overnight about a problem: since the Full Tilt Poker update on Jan 11th, 2011, your place in the tournament is not shown IF you didn’t finish in the money.

Loyal Poker Copilot customer Nikita deduced the problem:ย the tournament summary files on Mac OS X are missing the last line when you didn’t finish in the money. This is the line that says what place the hero came.

If this affects you, can I ask you report it to Full Tilt Poker? I’ve reported it myself, but the more people who report it, the more likely it is that there will be a prompt fix.

UPDATE: A Full Tilt developer wrote to me: “Thank you for the report, we have reproduced this and will fix it in the next release.”
