Why would Poker Copilot’s Creator install Hold’em Manager?
The All-in Equity Value Chart is almost done. I’m now looking for unusual conditions to make sure the results are still correct. My aim is to ensure that Poker Copilot’s All-in Equity Value Chart gives identical information as Hold’em Manager (HEM). That’s because, as far as I can tell, HEM seems to be the gold standard in giving online poker players in the Windows world what they want.
Here’s two simple charts to compare – the first is from Poker Copilot, and the second is from HEM.

These look identical to my eye. Hopefully they do to your eyes as well.
In order to create the Hold’em Manager chart I had to run Windows on my Mac using Sun VirtualBox and install Hold’em Manager. I hate to praise my competitors, but the whole HEM install process has vastly improved since last I looked at the Windows poker tracking software.
Whenever I run Windows on my Mac, I feel a little dirty afterwards, as if I had been doing something that I really shouldn’t be doing. I think I need to have a shower now to wash the dirt away!