Feel-Good Email of the Day

Loyal Poker Copilot customer Thomas writes:

I wanted to write you (while on break from some sng’s) about your excellent customer service! I have had your product for a couple years now, and am extremely satisfied with the service you provide. You have always been extremely helpful whenever I have had a problem or question, and I want to thank you for that.

On a side note, your product is quickly becoming top notch! I love the new improvements, and hope to keep seeing them in the future!

In the corporate world, where I used to work as an IT gun-for-hire, I don’t think I ever earned such nice praise as this. Emails like these make my job enjoyable. Well, the money I earn helps too.

To be honest, I think in recent weeks, my service has not been as good as I like it to be. And my development work has temporarily been at snail-pace. But I can fairly blame that on external events.

User-Contributed Replayer Design

Loyal Poker Copilot customer Eric sent me this snazzy reworking of how the Poker Copilot hand replayer could look:


It’s a huge improvement on how the hand replayer currently appears. Notice how Eric snuck in the highly-requested “Pot Odds” feature?

Email of the Day

From a potential Poker Copilot customer:

Poker Copilot has confirmed two things I’ve suspected about my game. I’m addicted to 87s like a bad girlfriend (it does nothing but screw me and cost me money, but I love it anyway) and I lose money on AA because I don’t know how to get away from it.