Solution for the Full Tilt "Hand History in the Future" problem
Poker Copilot 1.72 is now available for download. This fixes a couple of bugs in determining the table size. It also includes a work-around for those of you affected by Full Tilt hand histories which sometimes erroneously include a game time 30 minutes or so into the future.
If you have this “Hand History in the Future” problem, then here are the steps you can take to fix it:
- Download Poker Copilot 1.72.
- Install Poker Copilot 1.72
- Run Poker Copilot, go to the Preferences, choose the “Obscure” panel, and select “Auto-correct invalid Full Tilt hand times”
You can tell if this bug affects you the next time the Poker Copilot HUD misbehaves by select Tools -> Console, and looking for this message:
WARNING: Full Tilt game #12191638279 has future game date: