Don’t Take it Personally

A side effect of creating Poker Copilot is an overflowing e-mail inbox. So far I’ve just managed to keep on top of it. Normally the e-mails are either user support (“My license key isn’t working”) or positive feedback (“I really like Poker Copilot, and I’d like it even more if it comfabulated my data”).

A couple of times I got a nasty e-mail. A stranger writes in a tone they would never use in person. “Your crappy software is not worth half of what you charge”, or somesuch, they write. Even worse, someone posts some bad insults about Poker Copilot on a public forum. But this doesn’t bother me. I told myself the day I started Poker Copilot, “Don’t take it personally”. “It” is whatever crap I might get flung at me.

Thick skin is what you need as soon as you make yourself publicly visible. In any business venture you need to take what happens as “business”. False promises made? Screwed over by a client? Don’t take it personally.

The more successful your software or business or public persona is, the most you are exposed to abuse. The people who give the abuse make up the tiniest sliver of the people you interact with. But if you let them, they can take over your thoughts. Don’t take it personally.

I’ve applied this concept so well that I actually don’t remember the personal attacks. I know they happened, but I let them bounce off my hard skin.

To the people who write me friendly, positive, and polite e-mails: Thank you! To the few others: I didn’t take it personally.