Day 9: Resting, Testing, Listing

My work schedule has been quite relaxed of late, which has given me plenty of time and energy to work on my poker app. Nevertheless, I’m taking a break from any active development today. I’ll still spend an hour or so “dogfooding“, as the mangled phrase goes, by playing Full Tilt Poker with my app running.

Here’s what I have to achieve before launch on June 30th:

  • buy, borrow, create, or steal a logo
  • create a website
  • arrange web hosting
  • integrate with a payment processor (probably FastSpring)
  • create a registration system. Any recommendations for a third party solution that is cross-platform and works with Java apps?
  • systematic testing

Update: change of plan. Instead of testing I’m heading to a local mexican bar to watch the Euro 2008 soccer with some friends. When in Rome…