Poker Copilot 2.42 Now Available

Poker Copilot 2.42 is now available to download.

This is an “issues” update. There are no new features, but I fixed several issues. Which gives me a perfect opportunity to link to Flight of the Conchords, the pride of my home country and “formerly New Zealand’s fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo”, who sing about the issues. Or as we say in New Zealand, the “uh-shues”.

What’s fixed:

  • Rush Poker Tournaments are now supported by the Rush Poker HUD.
  • For some people the “Recalculate Equity Values” tool gave up before it finished.
  • Full Tilt step tournament wins are now correctly converted to a cash value.
  • The all-in equity chart in tournament mode now respects all filters.

Update Instructions:

  1. Download version 2.42 here.
  2. Open the downloaded file.
  3. Drag the Poker Copilot icon to the Applications icon.
  4. If prompted to replace an existing version, confirm that you do want to replace.

Now you’re done and ready to hit the tables.